Ya’ll Come Back Now!

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"Did ya'll know noon is the best time to be liqored up in a kiddie pool?"

Because of my job, I travel a lot.  I’m a professional photographer in my first life and one of the ways I earn a living is road tripping throughout the Continental United States, working from town to town.  I’m also born and raised in Kentucky.

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“Grillin’ on the stove the last person left behind.”

Throughout my travels, I’ve constantly been asked where my Southern accent is.  I don’t have it.  I come from the Northern Kentucky Area where the Ohio influence is pretty strong.  The Bluegrass accent, well at least one of them, doesn’t kick in until one county down from where I was raised.  Most people who find out I’m from KY, however, usually get a little disappointed to find that out.

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"As long as the wheels are still a movin', there ain't no limits."

A lot of them have asked me questions about Kentucky, too.  I’ve been asked if we have high-speed internet and even if we have Wal-Marts.  Sometimes, where I come from is referred to as the “Boonies.”  I admit, some areas don’t have cell phone reception and others have people still using dial-up internet, but we’re not in the Stone Age.  There seems to be a rather large misconception of what people in Kentucky are really like.

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"And Billy reckons we're doin' just fine."

And that’s the inspiration for this whole getup.  I don’t mind poking fun at myself, so here I am, GasOven if many of the misconceptions were true (and then just a tad bit more glamorous).  I get drunk by 11:00 am, I ain’t got no book learnin’, and my pappy says all I need is this hur trailer, a pack of Kentucky’s Best, and Mary Lou, the banjo I was given at two.

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“Yeah, the livin’ aint always easy but after ‘while you’ll learn to get by.”

And even if it were true, there’s nothing wrong with growing up that way either.  Think whatever they will, I’m proud I grew up in Bluegrass State.  It’s a state with a rich culture and history that’s full of talented, interesting, and, very often, kind people.  I’m one proud Briar Hopper and no matter where I roam, I’ll always remember my sweet, Kentucky home ^_^


Style Card: Trailer Park Pretty

Bathing Suit: Artilleri: Jeanette Bikini: Red/White

Hair: Tiny Bird: Sodom South Georgia: Faded Silver (I’m not sure if they’re selling hair anymore.)

Glasses: Epic: Unisex Color Changing Aviator Glasses

Cigarette: Epic: Cigarettes R Baaaaaaaad 4 U!

Tattoos: The Sea Hole: “Timeless Half Sleeve Tattoo” & “Cherry Bunny Calf Tattoo”

Skin: Redgrave: Leona

Eyes: Redgrave: Cloudy

Feet: Anara: Sexy Bare Feet – Realistic

Vodka: No idea, but it’s transferable.  It’s also scripted to where you fall down while you’re walking.  If you want it, just IM me in-world and I’ll give you a copy.

6-Pack Beer: Kring Mavendorf: Beer 6pack to Go Beer Giver